Alcohol and Substance Abuse

None of us have our first drink or experiment with drugs for the first time with the intention of becoming an alcoholic or an addict. Alcohol use is celebrated in our society, even encouraged, and can be a “gateway” to drugs of abuse. Sometimes we use drugs or alcohol to avoid feelings of depression, anxiety or not feeling “a part of,” but both alcohol and drugs can take control of our lives and negatively affect the lives of people we care about.

We continue to drink or use despite the consequences, and our intense desire to stop drinking or using. So why do we do it? Why not just stop? Once we become dependent on alcohol or drugs, both mentally and physically, recovery from addiction or alcoholism is difficult. But not only is it possible, recovery can transform our lives into a more meaningful experience than we previously imagined.

I understand your struggle fully, and want to be a part of your team in your journey in recovery.

If you struggle with opiate abuse, I offer Suboxone treatment for opioid use disorders and work closely with you to help to achieve long-lasting sobriety without long-term dependence on this medication.